Active Luxe stories


Tips and tricks: how to find perfect mascara for your eyes?

Although they seem the same at first, the mascaras on the market are so different...


Thick eyebrows will be the main trend in 2024!

No more microblading, no more eyebrow pencils. We can say: welcome back natural and thick...


You think lash extensions are the solution? Read this!

Average woman spends 3000 EUR annualy, so that she can be trendy. Too much? We...


5 mistakes with eyebrows that we all do

Eyebrows have enormous power: they can change the entire appearance of the face...


3 simple ways to avoid hairdresser

Strong, healthy hair isn’t just a matter of genetics; hair requires constant care


DIY: simple trick for thicker eyebrows

Thick natural eyebrows highlight the eyes wonderfully, don’t they?


Speed it up: how to make your eyelashes grow faster?

Impatience. This is the characteristic of the majority of us people...